Factors of Halal Trading in Islamic Economic Activities

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Islamic theology, Al-Mustafa International University, Mashhad, Iran


Economic activities and having an income are an essential part of human life. Providing human needs, such as food, clothing, housing, learning, and more, can be achieved through such activities. Providing these needs from common resources is a prerequisite for the emergence of human differences in economic activities and receiving an income. The Islamic religion has given much importance to economic activities and generating an income. Religious sources have stated in the phrase "The poverty leads to the infidelity" that not paying attention to economic activities and income-generating, endanger human destiny. In religious propositions, in addition to vetoing economic activities and income, the process of preventing dispute has also been presented. Earning Halal income is the recommended process to prevent dispute in this religious propositions.The question that this paper will address is what are the factors of fair and legal transactions? According to religious beliefs, the main strategies for making a Halal income are "being expedient" and "not being corrupt." On the basis of them, it will be obtained many indicators of Halal trading. This research is a fundamental research which approach is descriptive and conducted in a library method.​​​​​​​
