Jurisprudential research on the validity of a halal trademark

Document Type : Original Article


Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


Halal trademark is one of the emerging issues in this article for the first time with the method of descriptive research, critical analysis and library and field documents, jurisprudential study. The Halal mark is a brand and commercial certificate issued by some reputable centers to guarantee the Halal status of consumer products for commercial and industrial centers. This sign raises the suspicion of the Halal status of products and since it arises from new issues and is not found in religious texts, it is one of the examples of tools that cause absolute suspicion, so it is valid only among those who believe in the absolute suspicion. The halal mark is a valid Sharia from the UAE, which is valid if it is not counterfeit on products and does not conflict with other evidence. This credit is general and it does not matter if the center is the producer of Muslim or infidel products and the seller of Muslim or infidel products and the market for its sale belongs to Muslims or infidels. This sign precedes the rule of non-purification and acceptance of non-purification. In the event of a conflict between consumer science and a mark, consumer science takes precedence because disconnection is superior to suspicion. Assuming that the evidence is in conflict with the sign, the evidence is paramount, because it is stronger than the sign in the discovery. In case of conflict between a single news item and a sign, according to the promise of the suspicion that the single news is special and specific suspicion takes precedence over the absolute suspicion, the single news takes precedence. Both are invalid and must be acted upon in accordance with practical principles.
