Designing a management system for safety assessment and quality control with a halal food approach

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural ecology, Institute of Environmental Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: Global demand for halal food products is growing. Arab countries have taken the initiative as the global center of halal food. Halal food consumers are currently most concerned about the integrity of the halal status and curiosity about all activities involved throughout the supply chain so that the products purchased are genuine throughout the halal production path. Halal food management is likened to a supply chain from an organizational perspective. Although halal honesty is widely found in halal industrial publications, the factors affecting the integration of halal food supply chain and comprehensive research on halal food supply chain and safety have not been discussed in Iranian journals to date.
Methods: We propose a conceptual model to study the dimensions of the halal food supply chain and the relationship between the implementation of the halal food supply chain and managerial performance in order to assess the safety and quality control and assurance of halal food. A total of organizational information from 240 different countries was used in this study. For this purpose, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used.
Results: The results showed that the implementation of halal food supply chain can affect food safety. In general, these findings indicate the need for strategic evaluation in ten dimensions of halal food supply chain.
Conclusion: Transprancy in the supply chain puts the risk of producing insoluble products at risks reduces all stages of product production and this designand can be used as a reference model by manufacturers in the halal food industry.
