Identify Effective Strategies for the Design and Commercialization of Tayyeb Food Brand

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Food Safety and Quality Control, Research Institute of food Science and Technology, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Department of Food Chemistry, Research Institute of Food Science and Technology, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Department of Food Machineries, Research Institute of food Science and Technology, Mashhad, Iran.


Introduction: Today, the role of brands in the success of a product has become much more important than in the past and the issue of "halal" has been introduced in the commercial and economic field as a "brand". On the other hand, if attention is paid to the desired quality of the product, it will lead to the creation of a brand called "Tayyeb".
Methods: The present study was conducted with the aim of determining and presenting effective strategies in the field of design and commercialization of "Tayyeb" brand. Therefore, the data, statistics and library information collected from the experiences of forming a global halal brand were studied descriptively-analytically and also some information was obtained from field surveys (through interviews with experts). The obtained data set was evaluated using 4 and 9 cell matrices.
Results: The findings indicated that in order to "design and commercialize the Tayyeb logo" based on the position in the 4 cells matrix, one should try to move forward by improving internal factors and taking advantage of the opportunities ahead. However, the position of this issue in the 9 cells matrix indicated that the appropriate strategy is selective investment and optimization and moving towards investment and its growth and development.
Conclusion: Based on the results, Iran can enter aggressively in the first place and also in the second place in the field of commercialization of Tayyeb brand.
